Things to remember to utilize the Lorma Online Learning:
- Login with your username and password. If you forgot your username and password, please contact Sir Angelito O. Carbonell, Online technical Coordinator
Telephone No.: (72) 2423628 local 318, Cellphone No.: 09175830701 Email Address: - Click your Course (Online Class).
- Click on the "Turn Editing On" button to create, add, edit, delete and update an activity or resources.
1. Assignment
a. How to create/add an Assignment?
i. On the Center Panel, locate the “Add an Activity” Drop Down Menu, then Click. Under assignment, there are four (4) choices including Advanced Uploading Files, Online text, Upload a single file and Offline Activity.
Advanced uploading files – students can submit any kind of files
Online text – type directly into Moodle, no attachments
Upload a single file – this could be a wrod document, spreadsheet or anything in digital format. Multiple files may be zipped and then submitted.
Offline Activity – teachers provide a description and due date for an assignment outside of Moodle
ii. Let’s try online text. Click Online text. Upon clicking, it will automatically display the page that you will modify to create online text assignment. All text that has red font color are compulsary to fill in.
Assignment Name – the name of the assignment, example assign1.
Description – includes description of the assignment, introduction, topics, problem solving, researches, Q&A, etc
It’s the teacher/instructor options to modify the labels below.
iii. If done, click your desired button.
Save and return to course button – this button allows you to save the assignment and it will go back to your course (online subject) automatically. (Assignment successfully created!)
Save and display button – this button saves the assignment and it will automatically display or preview the assignment that you had created. (Assignment successfully created!)
Cancel button – it will reset whatever you had created.
***Creating assingment in a form of Advance uploading files, upload a single file and offline activity have similar steps in creating Online text assignment.
b. How to edit Assignment?
i. With the “Turn editing on” button you can easily edit Assignment. Besides the assignment that you had created, you can see five (5) small objects.
Move right – it allows you to move a tab ahead or it will be indented one (1) tab
Move – it allows you to move the assignment going up and down
Update – to edit
Delete – delete assignment
Hide – students will not be able to see the assignment
ii. To edit, click on the Pencil-like object (Update). Upon clicking, you can now edit the assignment. If done, click either “Save and return to course” button or “Save and display” button. (Edit successfully updated)
c. How to delete Assignment?
i. With the “Turn editing on” button you can easily delete Assignment. Besides the assignment that you had created, you can see five (5) small objects.
Move right – it allows you to move a tab ahead or it will be indented one (1) tab
Move – it allows you to move the assignment going up and down
Update – to edit
Delete – delete assignment
Hide – students will not be able to see the assignment
ii. To delete, click on the “x” object (Delete). Upon clicking, a confirmation will display asking you if you want to continue the action or not. Click “Yes” button to delete the assignment. (Assignment successfully deleted)
***The steps and processes in creating/adding, editing, deleting, moving and hiding Assignment is applicable in all activities including chat, forum, choice, glossary, journal, lesson and hotpotato quiz/quiz (Quiz is easier to modify that hot potato quiz, better choose quiz!). These activities are mostly used by teachers while Lams, scorm and wiki are rarely used.
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