Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Is 2011 your lucky year?

2011 Animal Prediction: Astrology & Horoscopes
Horoscopes and astrology signs of the zodiac predictions aren't always accurate. However, it doesn't stop millions of people from surfing online 24 hours a day for just one reason: to know what to expect tomorrow or check out what the coming year holds for them.

As for the Rabbit Year, Chinese astrology and horoscopes predictions, Indian astrology predictions and other free online astrology services say 2011 will be the year of peace. It also can mean that the Rabbit year may bring one's friends and family closer. Let's take a look at some 2011 animal prediction.

What year were you born in the Chinese zodiac calendar?
Browse the calendar to find your birth year and more about your Chinese zodiac sign :
Rat 1924 1936 1948 1960 1972 1984 1996 2008
Ox 1925 1937 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997 2009
Tiger 1926 1938 1950 1962 1974 1986 1998 2010
Rabbit 1927 1939 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999 2011
Dragon 1928 1940 1952 1964 1976 1988 2000 2012
Snake 1929 1941 1953 1965 1977 1989 2001 2013
Horse 1930 1942 1954 1966 1978 1990 2002 2014
Sheep 1931 1943 1955 1967 1979 1991 2003 2015
Monkey 1932 1944 1956 1968 1980 1992 2004 2016
Rooster 1933 1945 1957 1969 1981 1993 2005 2017
Dog 1934 1946 1958 1970 1982 1994 2006 2018
Pig 1935 1947 1959 1971 1983 1995 2007 2019


Feb 6, 1951 to Jan 26, 1952

Feb 3, 2011 to Jan 22, 2012

People under this Chinese Astrology are very colorful people. They are very curious and respond to power and beauty naturally. Luck walks along with them. But it comes when they work towards it. They are very pleasant around people and are generally warm and affectionate by nature.

For metal rabbits the values of life are very important. Riches and fame are only temporary but oneĆ¢??s reputation is for life. Metal rabbits strongly believe in this lesson of life. They hardly ever seek the limelight, but always pave the way for others success. Metal rabbits make fine book agents, art critics, teachers, political campaigners and great organizers. Though they may shy away from the limelight, they are extremely trustworthy and are always surrounded by friends. Since they are so pure of heart, their finances sometimes run deep into trouble. But on the other hand their love lives are picture perfect and complete in themselves.



Jan 29, 1903 to Feb 15, 1904

Jan 25, 1963 to Feb 12, 1964

Water rabbit people are very fancy and befriend the nature completely. People under this Chinese astrological sign are the luckiest of all twelve zodiac signs. But this luck is a combined effort of the hard work and dedication they give to all their assignments. Known for their cautious and conservative nature, they are very good in the business field. Water rabbits are peace loving people and hardly ever lose their temper. Their pleasant disposition makes them loved by all. Typical to this astrology sign, rabbits are very quite people. They have a philosophical bend of mind and love music, art and peace. Their ambitious nature, easily takes them to the top of the ladder. But as far as the finances go, money just slips away from their hands. People of this zodiac sign value their relationships, making them a complete person.



Feb 14, 1915 to Feb 2, 1916

Feb 11, 1975 to Jan 30, 1976

Wood rabbit people are very quite and warm people. Power and solitude pull them on two sides. Luck always walks along with them but they never take rash decisions or unwisely steps. They are generally cautious, conservative and bright people. Wood rabbits always earn deep respect and admiration from others. They have a philosophical bend of mind and love to read and indulge in music and art. But as far as their finances go, they have to keep a very strict check on it. Wood rabbits are big spenders and hardly have anything saved for tougher days. As far as their love lives are concerned, they are very romantic and flatter their sweetheart with all types of gifts and surprises.



Feb 2, 1927 to Jan 22, 1928

Jan 29, 1987 to Feb 16, 1988

People of this Chinese astrology are quite, polite and brilliant. Known for their soft nature and intellectual bend of mind these people are the luckiest of all zodiac signs. Natural beauty and power pull them on both sides and they search out for the best option. Fire rabbits are pleasant to be around and hardly ever lose their temper. Unlike other rabbits, they are not quiet and silent people. People of this Chinese horoscope are complete extroverts and natural leaders. They are visionary explorers and extremely hard working. Also unlike other rabbits they can manage their finances quite well and are generally very rich. Capable of meeting every challenge of life, they climb new horizons and live quite a versatile life. They make excellent lovers who pamper their partners with candle light dinners, hugs and undying love and support for the entire life.



Feb 19, 1939 to Feb 7, 1940

Feb 16, 1999 to Feb 4, 2000

Earth rabbit people are very lucky and pursue the goals of their lives with complete dedication. They are generally peace-loving people having an intellectual bend of mind. Earth rabbits are very hard working people and never give under difficult situations. Their creative bend of minds always takes them on unseen lands and even come out successful. Their only drawback is they get bored easily and then again search for newer horizons. In this process their finances also suffer. People of this Chinese horoscope are very romantic and give their heart and soul to a relationship. 

Rat2011 brings new perspective in life, however it is not a great year for rat people. The career goes up, but rats should be very careful if they sign some new contracts in the future.
Ox – 2011 is also not a perfect year for Ox people. However, there could be some good and happy moments in life in all aspects. The new year can bring all good in general luck. What's more, it can give a great opportunity for Ox people to gain financially.
Tiger – 2011 is a great year for the tiger people, especially in terms of career. It is also the year of romance, wealth and opportunities for tigers. 2011 brings many surprises!
Rabbit/hare – of course, it's a great year for rabbit people. There is a success in career and private life. Generally speaking, it is very rewarding year in all aspects of life for rabbits. Interestingly enough that in the Vietnamese version of the Chinese Horoscope, the Rabbit is replaced by Cat.
Dragon – 2011 brings changes, challenges and opportunities. If earlier some doors were closed for dragons, this year the doors will be open. However, Chinese horoscopes predict dragons should be very careful in accidents, which involve metal, for example, knives, cars or other metal items.
Snake – it will turn out to be a good year for snake people. It is a great year for career, business and love. However, the Year of the Metal Rabbit may not be a good year to make investments. Also, snakes should take care more about their health, it needs more attention. Also, astrologists and predictors suggest avoid working for many hours in front of the computers or laptops.
Horse – the new year brings many changes in life for horse people. It's a busy year, but 2011 is much better than 2010 in comparison. Horses will see positive and negative moments in life. However, it is highly recommended for horses to stay positive no matter what happens in life.
Goat/Ram/Sheep – busy, but a wonderful year for goat/ram/sheep. Actually, 2011 is called the best of years to make new plans, get into new projects and meet new people. It is a good year for finances and investments, but there is a need to be careful with money - as they come and go quickly.
Monkey – monkey people will be happy, because the Rabbit year brings many happy and exciting moments. 2011 is the year of luck in romance, career, finance and wealth. However, monkey should try to keep their money.
Rooster – it could be a difficult year for rooster people. Plus, the year's element – metal – is also not favorable for roosters. Rooster may gain financially, but 2011 may bring some money difficulties.

Dog – 2011 is fantastic and amazing for dogs! Lots of happy moments during the whole year. However, dog people should take care more about their health and work a lot if they want see some changes in life.

Boar/pig – 2011 is an interesting year for pigs. Many problems can be resolved. The Rabbit year is much better than the Tiger one, horoscopes say. There will be new perspectives in business and gain in finances. Nevertheless, pigs should also pay more attention to their health in the coming year.

The Rabbit Year is said to be fortunate. Almost everything will come more easily in 2011. The year of the Metal Rabbit promises to bring peace, joy, calmness and many happy moments.

Pagudpud, SFC

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